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You can pick up bed bugs almost anywhere — offices, stores, hotels, motels, used furniture and TTC buses. They’re great in hiding and have been known to hitchhike in luggage, personal belongings or even you.
Once indoors, they can be very difficult to control without the help of an experienced pest specialist. You can reduce your chances of a costly bed bug infestation by catching them early stage.

How to avoid bed bug infestation in hotels/motels:

When you must travel, what can you do about bugs in hotels? You can’t be certain whether or not a hotel has them. Sadly bed bugs are becoming more and more frequent in hotels.

Do Some Research

Search for hotels in the area you’ll be staying in. Find reviews written by former patrons. It’s not probable that a hotel would voluntarily reveal it’s had a bed bug problem, therefore you should look for consumer reviews.


When you arrive at the hotel you can even go as far as asking the receptionist if the hotel belongs to the International Housekeeper’s Association or whether it has been certified by the International Sanitary Supply Association.

Hotels that belong to such associations typically prioritize cleanliness and can be trusted to be fairly clean and bed bug free.

Check your linens and mattress

You should always perform a visual check of the bed linens and mattress. Seek out smears of blood or dried specks of dark brown or black. Those are bed bug droppings.


If you see those common and obvious signs of infestation I suggest finding another hotel to stay in. Any hotel owner that knows anything about running a hotel would have trashed those sheets if they had bed bugs in the past. You shouldn’t have to stay in a hotel with bugs, nor do you want to.

Protect your luggage

Do not put your suitcases on the floor. Put them up on a dresser or bureau. If the hotel has supplied a luggage rack, be sure to use it. Do not put your purse or discarded clothing on the floor because bed bugs can climb onto them undetected. Your purse should be hung in the closet or off a shower rod if possible.

Hang your clothes

90% of GTA palpation travels through local transit. The best practice is to place your hanging clothing in dry cleaning bags in the closets. Your clothing should be kept as far away from the bed as possible, and off the carpets. Plan ahead and bring your own dry cleaning bags, thus protecting your clothing from hotel bed bugs.

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